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KSNET Knowledge Sharing Network

Speaker: Paula Salinas

Training on the budgets of the Generalitat of Catalonia

May 2024

Speaker: Paula Salinas

Description: The objective of the training proposal is to enhance the advocacy capacity of social organizations. It is important to understand and know the budgets of the Generalitat de Catalunya, in order to improve their advocacy capacity during the elaboration process. This training aims to present how the budget of the Generalitat de Catalunya is elaborated and structured, on the one hand; and on the other hand, to analyze which are the budget items of this 2024 that may be of interest for the third social sector in Catalonia.

Training in public policy evaluation

January – February 2024

Speakers: Elena Costas Pérez, María Sánchez Vidal, María Laffaire, Pablo Tucat and Romén Adán González.

Description: A 20-hour course that aims to train political scientists and sociologists in the methodologies and practices for the evaluation of public policies. The contents of the course are:
1. What is evidence and how do we use it. What is evaluation and how it generates new evidence.
2. Evaluation of design, implementation, results and experimental impact.
3. Quasi-experimental impact evaluation.
4. Economic evaluation
5. Practical exercise: evaluation design and analysis of Stata / R data.

KSNET Knowledge Sharing Network


Speakers: Elena Costas, María Sánchez, Pablo Tucat, María Laffaire and Romén Adán

KSNET Knowledge Sharing Network


Speakers: Elena Costas and Pablo Tucat

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Academic Content Production in Neuroeconomics

October 2023

Speakers: Elena Costas and Pablo Tucat

Description: Work consisting of the audiovisual production of academic content.
The topics addressed correspond to:
1. Measuring the impact of behavioral change 2.
2. Nudge tools for change.

Training in public policy evaluation

June 2023

Speakers: Elena Costas, María Sánchez, Pablo Tucat, María Laffaire and Romén Adán

Description: Training for the College of Political Science and Sociology Professionals of Catalonia (COLPIS) to train political scientists and sociologists in methodologies and practices for the evaluation of public policies. All aspects related to public policy evaluation are covered: type of evaluation, methodologies, practical aspects and concepts to be considered. It is a theoretical and practical training where, at the end of the course, participants will be in a better position to participate in a project evaluation, to read and analyze evaluations that have been carried out or to outsource and control the development of one.

KSNET Knowledge Sharing Network


Speakers: Elena Costas, María Sánchez, Pablo Tucat, María Laffaire and Romén Adán

KSNET Knowledge Sharing Network

Speaker: Paula Salinas

Training on child investment tool adapted to local governments

June 2023

Speakers: Paula Salinas

Description: The objective of this training on the calculation of investment in childhood at the municipal level is that the people who participate are able to:
1. know the importance of calculating municipal investment in childhood and adolescence.
2. Know how the methodology for calculating municipal investment in children and adolescents works.
3. Learn how to use the Excel tool for calculating municipal investment in children and adolescents.
4. To know the necessary data for the proper implementation of the tool.

Workshop on Public Policy Evaluation

May 2023

Speaker: María Laffaire

Description: The main objective of this workshop is to introduce the basic concepts of public policy evaluation with a theoretical-practical approach. This activity is aimed at public employees, in active service or assimilated, of the General Administration of the Autonomous Community of Galicia, its public instrumental entities and institutional administration.

KSNET Knowledge Sharing Network


Speaker: María Laffaire

KSNET Knowledge Sharing Network

Speaker: María Laffaire

Impact Evaluation: Concepts, Methodology and Decisions

December 2022

Speakers: María Laffaire

Description: Intermediate level course whose objective is to improve the attendees’ knowledge in the field of impact assessment.
The contents of the training are as follows:
1. Impact assessment concepts.
1.1. Concepts
1.2. Decisions
2. Methodology for Accede’s evaluation.
3. Practical exercise.

Macroeconomics Workshop for Non-Economists

October – December 2022

Speaker: Pablo Tucat

Description: A workshop addressed to Barcelona Activa’s Directors in which economic concepts are explained in a simple way and with easy examples to help to understand economic problems.

The workshop has two working sessions:

1. Introduction of basic concepts of macroeconomics .
2. Analysis of current economic problems with the concepts analyzed.

KSNET Knowledge Sharing Network


Speaker: Pablo Tucat

KSNET Knowledge Sharing Network

Speakers: Elena Costas, Jesus Iglesias Saugar, Manuel Hidalgo, María Sánchez, Lucas Jolías, Octavio Medina, Floren Felgueroso

Sessions on various topics of interest in Evaluation and evidence-based public policies: “Converses amb Coneixement 2022”

May – December 2022

Speaker: Elena Costas, Jesus Iglesias Saugar, Manuel Hidalgo, María Sánchez, Lucas Jolías, Octavio Medina, Floren Felgueroso

Description: 7 sessions to bring topics of general interest and current affairs in different areas applicable to the organization so that the staff of Barcelona Activa has updated knowledge on various topics of interest.
1. The unexpected effects of public policies.
2. The impact of proximity consumption.
3. The future of work: trends.
4. What we understand by a living wage.
5. The blockchain revolution in management.
6. The targeting of public policies.
7. The challenge: long-term unemployment.

Methodology for gender mainstreaming in public and private policies and programs

February 2022

Speaker: Paula Salinas

Description: Training aimed at public administrations, companies and third sector entities on the introduction of the basic elements of the gender perspective in policies, plans and programs, both public and private. In addition, the experiences of KSNET as an expert team in gender perspective are shared and a space for conversation and debate on the most important aspects is offered.

The main points of the training are as follows:
Introduction and context of gender equality 2.
2. What is gender mainstreaming?
3. Gender mainstreaming in the policy and/or program cycle.
4. Methodology and indicators for analyzing gender mainstreaming.

KSNET Knowledge Sharing Network


Training aimed at public administrations, companies and third sector entities.

KSNET Knowledge Sharing Network

Training provided by RedEv

Speakers: Gonzalo Romero (Fundación ISEAK), Pilar Choren (IVIE) and María Sánchez (KSNET)

Introduction to Public Policy Evaluations

July 2021

Speaker: Gonzalo Romero, Pilar Choren and María Sanchez

Description: Intermediate level course dedicated to improving knowledge in the field of public policy evaluation. The contents of the training contain the following topics:
1. Evaluation as a tool to improve public policies
Types of evaluations and criteria
3. Good practices in the evaluation of public policies
4. Data collection and exploitation
5. Impact evaluation
6. Case studies

Talking about… New economic models to address the pandemic

June 2021

Speaker: Paula Salinas

Description: A few years ago, models such as social, circular or solidarity economy, or economic formulas with a “more human” face, were considered marginal. Today, as a result of the strategy for the fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda and the crisis of the coronavirus, they are at the center of academic discussion and of those who design public policies. They represent a paradigm shift in economic relations that, beyond economic promotion, can generate greater social cohesion and respect for the environment, the 3 key elements for sustainable growth. Once again, European funds represent an opportunity to emphasize ecological transition and new production models…

With the participation of:

Pep Marquès i Ferrer
Corporate Director of Organizational Development and Digital Transformation
Barcelona Activa-Ajuntament de Barcelona

KSNET Knowledge Sharing Network

Green Cities, Sustainable Cities

June 2021

Speaker: Paula Salinas

Description: Within the framework established by the 2030 Agenda and the strategic plans of the main cities at international level, it will be presented what is understood by a green city, the environmental objectives set by the main cities of the world, and what actions they foresee to achieve these objectives, focusing on actions related to the digitization of public services.

Talking about… Why is it necessary to evaluate public policies? 

May 2021

Speaker: Elena Costas

Description: In times of crisis it is more important than ever to know the real impact of each euro spent by the public sector. Why is it necessary to finance project X – for example, the Minimum Vital Income – instead of project Y? Where is public money better spent? To find out, all administrations need to adopt a culture of evaluation similar to that which exists in other countries around us. This is not only a social requirement, but also a legal one in view of the arrival of European Union funds, which obliges us to use sophisticated methods to ascertain the impact of all funded programs.

With the participation of:

Pep Marquès i Ferrer
Corporate Director of Organizational Development and Digital Transformation
Barcelona Activa-Ajuntament de Barcelona

KSNET Knowledge Sharing Network

Agenda 2030

May 2021

Speaker: Paula Salinas

Description: This session contextualizes and describes what the 2030 Agenda consists of, what its main objectives are, and emphasizes those points that are considered to be of greatest interest to attendees. Likewise, reference will be made to how companies can incorporate the SDGs into their operations.

Methodology for integrating gender mainstreaming in public budgets

April 2021

Speaker: Paula Salinas


Training on the introduction of the basic elements of gender mainstreaming in the budget cycle of public administrations. In addition, the experiences of KSNET as an expert team in gender perspective and public finance are shared. The main points of the training are the following:

1. Introduction and context of gender equality
2. What is gender mainstreaming?
3. What is gender budgeting or gender responsive public budgets?
4. The budget cycle and the gender perspective
5. How to introduce the gender perspective in the budget cycle?

KSNET Knowledge Sharing Network


Training aimed at public administrations